Monthly Archives: October 2010

Doing Things

Written by: Brandon “Monkey” Imp Saturday… 7 am: Wake up on a leather couch in a strangers house. My neck is cramped. Sam, my CouchSurfing host, has gotten up and is in the shower. My cell phone rings, my friend Alisa. Nope, I cannot hang out today. No, do not go to Carrabba’s tonight! I [...]

Posted in Brandon Imp

Window Dreamin’

Written by: Katherine ‘Ringleader’ Imp In 3rd grade, my teacher gave me a detention for staring out the window during class. That’s all I remember from the 3rd grade.………. In college, I met this lawyer guy. I asked him if I should take time off before attending law school. I don’t remember much of anything [...]

Posted in Katherine Imp